3265 King Road, Toledo, OH 43617
(419) 841-4745
Orthopedic Recheck Form
Online Pharmacy
Files can also be emailed to us at referralforms@wsah.vet
Can my dog use the stairs? Yes, please make sure to limit to morning and evening as well as keep controlled when walking up the stairs.
Can I take my dog off the leash? No, while your dog may be walking well now the bone is still healing and it is very important to still remain calm, quiet, no running, or jumping.
Does my dog still need pain or sedative medications? Most patients do not require pain medications after the initial 2 week period however, if you feel your pet still requires occasional pain or sedative medications please let us know and we can refill them for you. If you have leftover medications you can use them as needed.
Once your form has been submitted and reviewed you should hear a response back via email within 1-2 business days. If You have any questions, please give the office a call at 419-841-4745.